Welcome to Trinity of Truth

Trinity of Truth promotes a postsecular political framework through this blog and on http://www.secularfaith.com/

The Trinity represents three forms of knowledge - reason, religion and personal experiences.

The Trinity advocates that every citizen become a philosopher king by reconciling the differences between religious and rational morality against his/her own personal experiences.

When everyone's subjective truth can be rationally reconciled into one concept of human nature, we will have found objective truth; and a universal morality.

This process is called secularization and it is threatened by dogmatic atheists, dictators and monotheists.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Reconciling Different Moral Judgements on Same-Sex Marriage and Sexual Orientation

This is how I explain how reasonable and caring people can come to different moral conclusions regarding same-sex marriage and sexual orientation. 

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant !

    You have managed to get your message across despite the controversial subject. Your smart politically correct approach, yet voicing your "Right" opinion is amazing and effective. I do appreciate a lot the last part with reference to your personal relationship experiences which validates your vision and adds a personal element the audiences can relate to.
    Thank you for sharing this brilliant video
