Welcome to Trinity of Truth

Trinity of Truth promotes a postsecular political framework through this blog and on http://www.secularfaith.com/

The Trinity represents three forms of knowledge - reason, religion and personal experiences.

The Trinity advocates that every citizen become a philosopher king by reconciling the differences between religious and rational morality against his/her own personal experiences.

When everyone's subjective truth can be rationally reconciled into one concept of human nature, we will have found objective truth; and a universal morality.

This process is called secularization and it is threatened by dogmatic atheists, dictators and monotheists.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Fuzzy words cause wars

Depressed about the state of politics? If not—wakeup—you aren’t paying attention. If you’re in bed—get up—it’s not as hopeless as it seems.

So, the world is going to hell in a hand basket. That is true. But that good news is that it’s only because of some poorly defined words. Yes words. You can make a difference by perking up when you hear them.

They are secularism, secularization and monotheism. Don’t feel stupid — there is no common understanding of these words, despite the fact that they are used to justify wars. Think of them like chunky abstract paintings made with 5-inch paint brushes. Fuzzy, obscure words, just like bad abstract art, just make most feel excluded because everyone assumes everyone else gets it but them.

What we need to do is add some dimension using 2-inch brushes. Enough detail to ensure we are all talking about the same thing, but still big enough to be inspiring.

Here is my attempt at using a 2-inch brush. Use my definitions, come up with your own, but please stop using the fuzzy 5-inch words. 

5-inch Secularism — anti-religious and modern.

2-inch Secularism — the belief that the social sciences sufficiently understand human nature to justify eliminating religion and personal experiences, as legitimate forms of knowledge in moral debates.

5-inch Secularization — the progressive demise of religious beliefs that occurs in all educated societies.

2-inch Secularization —the belief that reason, religion, and personal experiences are different, but valid forms of knowledge that can eventually be reconciled into one moral truth that is universally confirmed.

5-inch Monotheism — the dogmatic belief in one God.

2-inch Monotheism — the belief that one creator made all human beings therefore we should seek to understand human nature so that we can treat each other morally.

Thanks for considering how poorly defined words can shut down conversation. I hope these definitions inspire more meaningful dialogue between secularists and believers. 

Spring is a fantastic season for opening up the heart and the mind to new possibilites.

1 comment:

  1. The wider view of the 2-inch light is more secular than the rigid black and white format for the 5-inch. The audience may bounce between the 2 and the 5 depending on their openness to get out side the box and be inspired by new ideas and approaches.
    Happy Inspiring Spring and yes, there is always hope for new beginnings and possibilities, in politics and in living.
