Welcome to Trinity of Truth

Trinity of Truth promotes a postsecular political framework through this blog and on http://www.secularfaith.com/

The Trinity represents three forms of knowledge - reason, religion and personal experiences.

The Trinity advocates that every citizen become a philosopher king by reconciling the differences between religious and rational morality against his/her own personal experiences.

When everyone's subjective truth can be rationally reconciled into one concept of human nature, we will have found objective truth; and a universal morality.

This process is called secularization and it is threatened by dogmatic atheists, dictators and monotheists.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Where Passion comes from

In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love - Mother Teresa

Is it even possible to do something great without love as the motivator?

Why are the most beautiful buildings churches?

Is not love the source of all passion and vision?


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    Good Luck with the coming books.

  2. Thanks very much for your support and interest. Such an accomplishment is the result of many inspiring conversations with great minds. Evidence of one of ours is found the last Chapter. I look forward to more.
